Friday, 20 April 2012

Create Fake Twitter Tweets

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Hai Friends ! Twitter is online Social Networking site and a Microblogging service that Enables Users to Send and Read Text Based posts upto 140 Charecters Knowsn As "Tweets" .Twitter Service has gained popularity Worldwide with over 140 million active users As of 2012 ,And Generating over 340 Million Tweets Know What Twitter has been described as "SMS of the Internet"

So if you Want to Make some fun with your Twitter Account So create a Fake Tweet.So iam Sharing some Cool Websites that enables us to Create Fake Twitter Have fun with them.Just See the Below Steps:.

Make Fake Twitter Tweets Using  Fake Tweet Builder .on this site You can create a Fake Conversation Between two People.Fake Tweet Builder is a free to use web app that lets you create fake Twitter conversations. To use the site you don’t need to sign up for any accounts. All you need to enter is the Twitter conversation you would like to be faked. 

Fake Whale is the Another Twitter Fake tweeting Service.there you have to Write the Username Without including "@" symbol.And add the Message and Click on FakeWhale Em ! button.that's it.have fun.

Still there are

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