Thursday, 5 April 2012

Key Tips One Must Know Before Giving an Oral Presentation

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Hello Friends ! Today Am Going to Share Some Tips that are helpful at the time of giving an Oral Presentation:.

Well Giving Presentations is an important activity in academic career and professional career.A presentation can be understood as Gathering Information about a particular type of topic organizing the info and finally presenting to the Audience.

  1. Select the topic and make a Detailed study on it
  2. Prepare Visual ads and give a better presentation.

Following are some key rules That everyone Should follow while presenting a topic:.

  • The First thing is to Greet The Audience
  • And then Introduce yourself
  • Introduce the topic
  • Speak about the topic
  • Conclude the topic
  • Ask for Any queries
  • And finally Thank the Audience

a) Select the topic of your choice and Gather much information regarding the topic
b) it would be  better if your Dressing looks Like a Professional
c) Use Correct Body Language,posture,Gesture,Tone of Voice,and Facial Expressions
d) Speak Clearly,Your tone should be Audible.


a) Don't Be in Hurry to deliver your matter 
b) Avoid adding much of Statistics [info-graphics] to your body
c) You must Avoid Slangs

Three Steps Have Always to be Remembered While Giving presentations

Selection of a topic,searching,Organizing the matter,preparing Visuals..


Go For Proper practicing to make Yourself Confident,for example Practice Infront of friends or Mirror.


Present The Topic Confidently following the Necessary steps:.

An Oral Presentation will be quite good if it includes :.

  1. Describing Objects
  2. describing Situation
  3. Describing people
  4. Describing a Place
  5. Information Transfer
  6. Public Speeches
  7. Group Discussions
  8. Debate
  9. Telephoning Skills
  10. Giving Directions
Describing Objects:- The Subject of a description can be places,objects or process and mechanism.
To Write a Good description You should Know why it is Written and who it is written far.Because Description some times includes recreating your experiences and impressions,it is important that you practice accurately.
Be As Specific As you can.and give as many details as possible.Also avoid using common general abstract words in your Descriptions.

Whereas describing a person includes qualitative and quantitative Aspects to describe  a person, to start with his/her physical features.this can be followed by mentioning certain significant charecters of the person.

Information Transfer :.
Written communication can be supplemented by Graphic presentation such as tables, info graphics,diagrams present the message exactly.


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