Friday, 13 April 2012

How to Post Animated Gif Pictures on Facebook Wall

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Well facebook Does not allow to post animated gif images directly using photo uploading method but still there are some applications from which we can post these animated images on our friends wall.

Animated-Facebook is also such kind of service which enables us to post animated gif images on facebook wall.either using the default images on their database or using our own images which are hosted anywhere else. by just entering the url of the to create animated gif images just follow the below Steps

How to post Animated-picture on Facebook wall :.

First Login to your Facebook Account. and then Visit the Animated-picture page.

Now as you seen above Screenshot just click on the Go to App button so now you will be redirected to their either select the default images or you may select any other images hosted anywhere by using the image URL.

So now you've completed Choosing your image which you want to share. then Click on the Image And you will see a box like below.

Now enter your Desired text in the text box and Click on Share .so that your animated gif is live on your Wall.well the drawback is that some images won't work here.. we have to click on such type of images for redirection.

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