Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Upload Your Files To Multiple Web Hosting Sites Using Bitsor

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Well We know that Web hosting Services are very useful to share our Files to Everyone around the World By enabling the File to be Downloaded right to our pc  Using Some url or Link.But also every site has a unique Bandwidth .so if in case we upload a Large file they may Become slow or they may be Deleted After Sometime and that may become a big problem to us.so it is better to upload our files to multiple Web hosting Sites.so incase if our file is deleted from One Website.then the Other one will right and safe and it is still available on other site.
But it may be so weird and it is time taking task if we upload our files manually to different Web Hosting Services. So here's an alternative to that.

Bitsor is a Online Service Where We can upload to Multiple Web hosting services at a time.just one thing you've to do is Register and create a free account and everything is handled by bitsor itself.After Register we can upload Our Files to 15 Web Hosting Services.And the File Size Limit is Upto 500MB per file and you will get a File Manager to keep Track of our Files.

So now As you Can See above the List of File Hosting Services .where you can upload your files to share to everyone and keep tracking them.
You've also an option to upload files Remotely and if you want to upload files From Other Webhosting Site.then Just Enter the Url of the File and The Uploading Begins Momentarily. 
So how do u fell is it a Great Online Service that hepls to Upload Files to Multiple Hosts. So Visit Bitsor And Start Uploading Your Files. Have Fun 
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