Well alexa rankings are very important for every blogger.The first question which comes into bloggers mind is "How to increase the alexa rank?" most bloggers including me are quite worried about Alexa ranks.Now this big question can be answered by just following few techniques.First of all what is Alexa ranking :.
How do i Improve Alexa Ranking ?
Well, it’s not too easy to increase alexa rank. Many traffic exchange site can boost your site rank but this is not real. I recommended you to make real visitor to your site. To do some tricks you have to create a free account on alexa website. Here are some killer tips for improving alexa rank.
Adding an alexa widget is also important for boosting alexa rank. This will show your alexa rank on your site without searching in alexa website. Just Click here and make your widget easily.
5) Write a Blog Post about Alexa
In the world of competition people are always looking for Improving their Alexa ranks , So if they search for it and come to your blog and in a way increase the number of visits. Normally these people have Alexa toolbar installed. write some post about alexa.com such as how to improve alexa position, alexa review, alexa ranking advantages, benefits of alexa toolbar and widget, how an advertiser choose a site by analyzing alexa rank for advertising, how to get top position in alexa ranking etc
What is Alexa Ranking?
Alexa is an Amazon.com company which ranks websites on the Internet according to a system of their own. The way it works is very simple, Alexa accumulates data from all over the Internet via their Alexa toolbar which is installed in millions of computers in the world. So by understanding the users behavior they rank websites on various metrics.
Should I care about Alexa Ranking?
Yes. Being a blogger is all about displaying the reach of your website on the Internet and getting more visitors on your website. Apart from the traffic stats you can always show off your Alexa ranking if it is really good. It is not difficult to achieve Alexa ranking, I will list out few basic things that can get your site More Rankings Easily.
How do i Improve Alexa Ranking ?
Well, it’s not too easy to increase alexa rank. Many traffic exchange site can boost your site rank but this is not real. I recommended you to make real visitor to your site. To do some tricks you have to create a free account on alexa website. Here are some killer tips for improving alexa rank.
1) Publish Quality Content Day to Day
Right the Content is the king for every blog and every site. So update your Blog With a Unique Content.every day.to Get A decent Traffic.
2) Write a Blog Post about Alexa :.
people especially bloggers are always looking for Improving their Alexa ranks , So if they search for it and come to your blog and in a way increase the number of visits. Normally these people have Alexa toolbar installed.
3) Download and Install Alexa toolbar:.
it’s very important for a publisher to install and use alexa toolbar in their browser.
To boost your alexa rank toolbar is very important, as it is a biased rank. Confused?..Let me explain. If the visitors on your site have this Alexa toolbar then only the visits are counted by Alexa.Therefore you should encourage the visitors to install the Alexa Toolbar.
4) Add an Alexa widget on your site:.
5) Write a Blog Post about Alexa
In the world of competition people are always looking for Improving their Alexa ranks , So if they search for it and come to your blog and in a way increase the number of visits. Normally these people have Alexa toolbar installed. write some post about alexa.com such as how to improve alexa position, alexa review, alexa ranking advantages, benefits of alexa toolbar and widget, how an advertiser choose a site by analyzing alexa rank for advertising, how to get top position in alexa ranking etc
6) Ask For Reviews :.
Encourage the visitors and readers of your blog to give their review on Alexa about your site/blog. Even though there are no direct benefits but it is a way for people to know about your blog in a Better one.
7) Submit your blog to Directories
Submitting your blog to various directories like DMOZ, OnTopList, Bloggers,etc. DMOZ is the largest human edited directory in the world and one from which nearly all the Search Engine pick their anchor texts. Getting listed in DMOZ is lengthy process but it is a way to get indexed fastly by all major search engines.
Get more visitors on your blog especially from the Blogging community because there is a good chance that they have Alexa toolbar already installed.